Sem 1 has ended? I can't believe time has flew THAT fast in a blink of an eye, so unconsciously and mercilessly.
Today, I collected 2 different results: (1) End of Semester 1 from IMU (2) Intermediate-1 Japanese Language exam (internal) from ICLS.
Thankfully, I get to keep my grade for both of them (A from IMU and 100% from ICLS, yay! XD), but this brings me back to memory lane, a reminisce of the things that I've done.
And gawd, everything seems so distant and faraway, I can't even barely remember them anymore. Even events only a mere half a year ago seems like an eternity away...

Picture that we took today that marks the end of our I-2 course. I'd never imagine that 3 months have passed, as I can still clearly recall the first commencing class, when each of each first introduced ourselves to each other. And I guess I won't be seeing most of you all anymore, especially Yanagida-sensei which I will miss the most, because I've decided to make use of my 2 months holidays and enrolled myself into a different faster class instead.

My PBL mates...end of semester 1 also signifies the end of our grouping for the semester. Meaning I won't be seeing you guys and gals anymore for my PBLs, who I've grown accustomed to. Thank you everyone for making our PBL sessions much more lively and filled with laughter.

Orientation! >.< I simply loved the time we had during orientation. It was a blast! How I wish we could go through all those times again, however teeth-gritting and body aching they were at the very moment we were living them. These are memories that I will cherish deep in my heart, life-long. This period of time also set out the framework for my life in IMU, and colours my otherwise dull campus life.

My langkawi trip! It was fun, and that may be the last time I get to meet up with you all like that, because now everyone is already scattered all over Malaysia. And I missed the chance to get together with ya all on the genting trip lately due to my End of Semester exams. T_T I love you all and miss ya. Hope till the time we meet again would not be a long wait from now.

The end of my first Japanese course in ICLS! XD And Yanagida-sensei is wearing the kawaii cheongsam we bought for her, personally selected by Pao-san's girlfriend! (he claims his gf's size is almost the same as sensei' Come to think of it, most of the people in this picture aren't the same as the current one. Hmmm....

Haha...took us really many failed attempts to get this near-perfect picture. We even went all the way to KLCC, Science Centre, and even stayed in Palace of Golden Horses to get this very single picture! O_O But of course, we used this as an excuse to enjoy ourselves at the hotel....hahaha....and not to forget, which created the first chance for us to go clubbing! XD

Woohoo! My Syndicate/Apostles/Sovereign gang from the RO days! XD Celebrating my birthday! Which mostly consist of watching a 'very interesting and intriguing' movie indeed, *drumrolls*...THE VILLAGE!!!! (meaning=boring) LOL. The time we had albeit short, was definitely a sweet one worth of remembrance. May all of you succeed in life in the future! Although I know most of you there are still busily hacking away on your keyboards at CCs all night long...=_="

Anime Malaysia! Damn I feel so bad! So long never see you guys, let alone contact! >_< Damn I'm such a bad (ex-)secretary, haha. And guess what, I should be meeting most of you all again this saturday for Bon Odori! Oh I can't wait! >_<
Guess that's all the group pics I can find on my hard drive now. Hope everyone in every single pic of mine are all happy and content with their lifes now, doing whatever they've been wanting to do all along.
Lastly, just to add....a scary old pic of mine! BOO!!! May you have nightmares tonight!!! XD XD XD

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