Tidal Reminiscence: Past & Now.

Been wanting to take a picture of this photo for a long time.
I really had a blast on those 3 days I've worked with you gals, although it's really tiring standing there the whole day with that frozen smile to each and everyone of the passing crowds who're rushing to do their last minute shopping of the year before 2005 comes knocking on the door...
A tribute to all of our hardwork, perseverance and perspiration on those 3 days. Someday, somewhere, somehow...I hope we'll meet again.
Although the period of time our paths crossed was short, but those are precious memories that I will cherish forever.
I miss you gals. :)

And now, this is a picture of the stupid me who rushed all the way back from uni to Kajang right after PBL (Problem-based Learning: another weird idea of IMU for us to study more) and speeding 120 km/h straight right to my doorstep (I admit, most of the time it was much faster, but I don't want to get a ticket ok? ) JUST to find out that today's a Yamaha holiday and NO DRUMS CLASS!!!!!!!
Laugh all you want. Sigh.
The 'photoshop'ed version:-

Some identified items:
1. My 'supposedly' 'missing' Case Study handout...LOL!
2. My beloved drumset which I haven't 'spanked' for long.
3. Uh-uh...anime series which have been lying there for years...one day I really should spend some time and watch them...
4. My virus-infested PC!!! Showing my blog page, of course. :P
The last one....you go figure out yourself...... (Baka me. T__T)
my mom is now using that product =/
alyssa was really gorgeous with that fake smile, it's true..i met her in person that day!
Hah? Serious? O.o It was only 3 days, around 31 December 2004 at midvalley...
Eheh, thanks for your compliment anyway. :-)
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