Lacus X Yuna.....WTF?!!
Was watching Gundam Seed Destiny 39 just now, and witnessed a shocking development in the f**ked up Fu'c'kuda script...

Lacus: Aaah Yuna-sama~!!! Please spare me.... (teary eyed, eyes blink blink blink)
Yuna: Now that Freedom has kidnapped Cagalli, at last I can pronounce that 'lam yan poh' (tom-boy) girl dead and use the EAF forces to force you marry me instead! Bwahahahahah!
Lacus: Why~ Why?!? Kira~~ Kira!!! Tasukete!!!
Yuna: For the sake of peace to the world...our marriage will signify the union between Orb and Zaft, so we can snatch the power away from that stupid Dullindal!!! Here I come, Lacus!
Lacus: IIiiiieeeeeee~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!! Itaaaiiiii!!!!! Tasukete, Kiraaaaaaa~~~~ Kira!!!! I gave you two f**king robots and why aren't you saving me?!?!?!?
(meanwhile, kira is at home.....doing THIS.)

Kira: Athrun-kun, is it ok to let Lacus marry Yuna? She was also your fiance before, you know.
(evil-)Athrun: Its last we can have each other to ourselves....that f**cked up Fu'c'kuda keep changing the script and keep tearing us apart.....*false tears*
Kira: ATHRUN!!!! (touched)
(evil-)Athrun: (thinking) Kekeke....with Kira in my hands, at last I can use him again to regain my power and influence over the world...No one can beat the invincible combination of Freedom and Legend!!!! Nyawahahahahah!
...ah okies, was just joking, sorry for the false alarm. :P Do check out Kawaii Denka's absolutely hilarious GSD comic strips, credits to CY who sent me da link.
GSD Comic Strips what did I do during the past few days? Hmmm...lemme think....
15th July 2005, Friday
Went watch movie with Jason! XD Although the storyline is quite common and predictable, but it's so sad and touching that I cried!!! T____T Came out with my eyes so puffy, paiseh paiseh. Kudos to the actors for making the movie such an excellent watch with their excellent timing and absorbing screen presense. The superb chemistry between the actors and actresses also helped bring out the colours of the movie. Not to mention the main actress is so cuteeeeeee~~~~~~~~~ Nyaaaahhhhh!!!! Full of life and vigour, that kind of girl that you'll never get bored hanging out forever with.
~この世界の中心で、愛をさけぶ~ (kono sekai no naka kokoro de、ai wo sakebu)
...which is directly translated as "at the center of this world, crying out loud for love". (or something like that. =P Pardon my crappy Japanese.)

Went back home to Kajang during the evenings and yumcha again with my old buddies from secondary school. =) So long never see them liao!!! Probably because they were in Russia and Australia all these while. =P
And now I know Li Ting is scared of cats!!! XD So funny! Every time a cat passes nearby she'll jump out of her chair....even if it's miles away! =_="
16th July 2005, Saturday
Attended my drums class in the morning as usual, except it got postponed to 1pm today. Which leads to....BON ODORI!!!! XD Glad I made the right choice of attending the event at Matsushita Stadium in Shah Alam...Followed Yeo-san's car to the event with my Japanese class friends, and I met so many old friends there! Mostly Anime Malaysia members and my secondary school pals. Weird though I didn't meet any IMU or RO buddies there. =
Not to mention I was down with a serious food poisoning after that... 痛いいい(itai)... T__________________T Haven't gotten myself into any food poisoning that bad for long. Felt like vomitting even. Luckily 2 tablets of Paracetamol(Panadol), 2 Ultra-Carbon tablets and 1 Imordium capsule PLUS some deep sleep did the trick.
P.S: Pictures coming soon...kekekeke......*evil*
LOL...good riddance of that Yuna then. And Lacus.....maybe Meer will take over then? O_o
Whoever manipulated the above picture should be shot!
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