Full Metal Alchemist? Homoculus? Aliens?
(hito wa nanika no gisei nashi ni、 nanimo dekiru koto wa dekinai。 nanika o eru tame ni wa、 doutou no daika ga hitsuyou ni naru。 sore ga renkinjutsu ni okeru、touka koukan no gensoku da。)
"One cannot gain anything without first sacrificing something in return. To obtain something that you desire, something else of equal value must be lost. This is the alchemy's principle of Equivalent Exchange."
17th July 2005, Sunday (my entries seem to be lagging...but who cares anyway? =P)
Oh, Sunday? What did I do?
Except watch the whole series of 焔の錬金術師 [Flame Alchemist] (all 51 episodes of them I believe) STRAIGHT NON STOP.

It's a touching story about Roy Mustang, a national Flame Alchemist and his brave comrades who fought relentlessly agaisnt the evil forces in order to restore love and peace back to the world.

...what??!! I can't hear you?!?!?! Oh...you're saying the title of the anime should be 鋼の錬金術師 (Full Metal Alchemist) instead? OOopps gomen gomen I like Mustang and Hawkseye so much until I thought they are the main characters....man I LOVE episode 37!!! (where Havoc dates the girl PLUS the mystery of the 13th warehouse....) So hilarious! >_<
Phew! Took me 1 1/2 days (yes that includes THE WHOLE NIGHT; I didn't sleep) to watch everything. The CDs have been lying around in my apartment for MONTHS and I've never bothered to watch them through.
It's quite an interesting watch at the beginning, and thank god I only read a few volumes of the manga, or else I will be complaining away again about the difference in both versions (I always do =P). But I did find a few parts where they should've just left the storyline the way it is.
....until the homoculus truth strikes.
Things starts to get a little draggy when it's supposed to be interesting (maybe partly because I was already tired and half asleep....=P), and I found out their favourite quote got to be...."人じゃない!" ("hito jyanai!" which means not human) They'll keep rambling whether or not Lust is not human...Wrath is not human...Juliet Douglas is not human....the Fuhrer is not human....EVEN WHETHER ALPHONSE IS HUMAN OR NOT!
For all I'm concerned, all of you can become 宇宙人(uchuujin=aliens) if you want. Is it really worth all the screening time it wasted? Just a little is enough to make the required impact, but not too much please. You don't wanna drown the viewer with one issue alone.
...and I find their explaination of the gate's existance a bit weird. So now there's alter universe huh? Anime and mangas always SOOO conveniently use alter universes as a handy resolution of the unexplainable. Come' on, surely the production team can think of some new better answers to everything. Poor alter-universes...they get blamed for everything.
P.S: New movie! Someone please inform me where to download when it's out on da net....thanks!!! Can't wait!! >_<
I watched episode 37 many times too.
The movie is coming out soon :D
a blog reader
- life feel
*phases through the wall ala Wrath*
*phases away*
Haha....2nd season....got any schedule for its release yet? O_o
The movie should be interesting...and I see more bits and pieces of Roy Mustang and Hawkseye!!! My fav couple!!! Yippeee!!!! XD
And yea, poor Hughes. T_T He's a true hero to me. Lemme transform into Lust and poke sum 'fingers' into the script writer of FMA....threaten him to revive Hughes! *evil*
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