Blur of Lights.

Okies, sorry for not updating for long, have been really busy nowadays. Everything just seems to fly past me in F1 speed like a breeze.
I can't seem to be able to recall what I've done for the past few days, but here are a few things that I've remembered.
15th July
1) Met Jason at LOOOONG LAST!!! XD XD XD The real kawaii & kind hunter from Ragnarok Online (Iris)~~ Watched the japaneese movie....OH SWEAT. I just remembered I already wrote 'bout this. Yikes. >"<
16th-20th July
1) Forgot already. Consist mostly of surfing on the net for mp3 players. Found out Creative is having sales now, most probably to clear out their old stocks because some other new models are going to be released soon probably. But who cares as long as it's cheap? ^_~
21st July
1) Still couldn't make up my mind, so took a trip down to Low Yat to check 'em out for myself. But before that, I went to KLCC first to collect my Tenjou Tenge Pinkys. And special thanks to Jason, for accompanying me!!! XD Really sorry for tiring you out with my fuzzy selection anthics. Finally decided to get the Creative Muvo N200, in GREEN!!! Searched high & low all over Low Yat in vain to find a GREEN one. Right before giving up, we strolled into Imbi for a last shot....
...and found out Mitsuo Hunter (Hong) was working there!!!! O_o Although there weren't any stock on the shelves, he promised to secure a GREEN one for me with their cheapest price, lastest by the next day. I agreed, of course. =D
22nd July
1) Filled up all the stupid PTPN/NHEF loan's form. Includes going to Bumiputera Bank to open a savings account....Man that bank is utterly STUPID. Without the government support, I'm sure they wouldn't even last a week. Really slow services even though there are MORE banking officers at the counters than customers. WTH?!
2)Went back all the way to Imbi Plaza to collect my MP3 player.
3) Japanese Class (Intermediate-II) has begun again. This time, I'm attending the Tues/Fri 7-9pm class.
23rd July
1) What else? My usual routine, drums class~ Blah~ Get to test out the recording function of my NEW mp3 player. It was great!!! Wished I've bought it much earlier...It'll be so so so much more convenient for me to practice my solo!!!
2) Korean BBQ/Steamboat buffet dinner!!! gathering!!!! Met some old acquintances and other interesting members who I haven't met was fun!!! And everyone was so friendly. But why do they keep teasing about me and 'Kawasaki'? *rolleyes*
And at last I've got my hands on the ANA set!!! Woo hoo!!!! Limited sets only sold in Japan!!! Paid it using Kanzaki's debt. XD
24th July
1) Just finished up everything I've left unfinished.
Morning:- Practice drums.
Afternoon:- Finished my Japanese homework for the week, including the ones that are not taught yet.
Night:- Completed my PTPN/NHEF loan application form.
25th July
1) First day of training at Wisma Genting. Made a few friends! Cool~ Learnt a lot of new stuff, and the best part is I'm paid while learning all these interesting stuff!!! XD Love da job, only weakpoint is it's quite far from home.
26th July
1) 2nd day of training, pretty much the same. Except, I've got Japanese Class again today....So it's waking up at 7am, start to travel to KTM at 8am, work from 9am-5pm, travel back to apartment, reaching at about 6pm, take a short nap before driving to ss15 at 6.30pm. Kind of hectic. Japanese class from 7pm-9pm....And met up with my previous sensei, Yanagida-san after class to yumcha as usual at Asia Cafe. Reached home about 11pm I guess.
27th July
1) Woohoo!!! Went watch "The Island" with Jason after work. It was fun! Scarlett Johansson's so cute!!!! >.< I wish I look THAT great and have such an innocent and sweet feel around me like her. Sigh. And bought some chocolates for my mom and Jason. Cute~ XD plus some cake and bread from Bread History. Don't know why I felt like celebrating a little that day.
28th July
1) Something wrong with KTM this morning...stucked there for a full half an hour. But I guess it was a blessing in disguise, because due to the delay, I accidently bumped into my old classmate, Wei Perng! For your info, both of us share the same birthdate, which is 15th August 1985. He's just working on internship just 2 buildings away (Alliance Bank) from Wisma Genting during his 3 months holiday. Great! Can find him yumcha someday.
Wah I guess I've finished. Till we meet again, have a nice day everyone. ;D
Sounds like a busy time
Sure is. And this is supposed to be my holidays. ;D
OMG.... didnt know u were behind me, dang u caught me....... u took a paparazi shot of my black kenari speeding pass phoneix plaza. >_<
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