Tuesday, September 27, 2005

=Anonymous= A tribute? Hmm...

On one fine day, when the birds are singing and the skies are blue...

I checked my mail!!!

...and found something that I've never seen before... o_O *drumroll*

Being the curious gal that I am, I clicked on it....

.....and saw this.

Wah! Wonder who's this....hmmmm.....someone playing a prank on me or...? Hmmm....

So, suddenly I felt like blogging again....and I wrote an entry on some updates in my life ....which are pretty sad anyway, haih~ T________T *sobs*

The next day, I checked my mailbox again...


Another comment from Anonymous!!! O_o O_o O_o

WOAH!!! Really thanks for your readership, Anonymous...I wouldn't know whether it's someone who is just fooling around, someone who is too bored, or someone who sincerely wants to read my blog. (I really hope it's the latter)

Whichever it is, I sincerely-extremely-superbly-really-mou-tak-teng-very-very-super-geng-chao-mou-tek appreciate your comments. Either way, at least I know SOMEONE actually DO read my blog.

Thanks muakzz!!! =D

P.S: Next time leave a name la....unless there's a USD$999,999,999,999 reward for your head, then nevermind la. =P

P.S#2: Nah I know all the frames are out, I don't know how to configure to make my middle space bigger....and now I don't have the software needed to resize the image without distorting the picture (sobs I'm only running on MS Paint only...ARGH!!!) so screw it PIF!!!! unless there's any kind hearted soul out there willing to help.....*blink blink*


At 3:52 PM, Blogger Alyssa Chidori said...



At 1:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

seems like lots of adverts le :p i guess that's wat happen to any media that gets popular.. IE: Hitz.fm dun have ads when the first started.. get wat i mean..

jus means dat ur blog is getting popular ;) keep it up

At 2:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow..i am lost with words, when i saw my 2 comment ,pop up at your blog : P, yeap reading your blog it fun, and my name is way teik loh..have a nice week end : )

At 10:33 PM, Blogger Alyssa Chidori said...

Hi way teik loh~!!! yosh! How's ya? Thanks for replying ya! =D

Are you a malaysian? Just asking....staying where ar?

Have a nice weekend too! =D

At 12:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeap i'm malaysian, stay in sri gombak, working as ART director in Bukit bintang...hobby:TOY & COMICS..that make me a XL-shop kaki

At 3:44 AM, Blogger pOku said...

quite a lot of advert comments ..... I would say u should enable the keyword thingee from blogspot ..... hahhahahaha .....

BTW ... just found ur bloggie from XL Forum ....... mind if i add ur link to my own blog ? :P

At 2:28 PM, Blogger Alyssa Chidori said...

Hmm...keyword thingy? What's that? >"< Mind if you teach me......=( thanks~

Add a link to me? I'm more than flattered!!! =D

At 2:44 PM, Blogger Alyssa Chidori said...

Way Teik Loh: I see I see. =) ART director...sounds interesting nia. How's the job like? ^_~

XL-kaki eh? Hmmm...haven't been visiting them for long.....kind of scared of going there, even to the forums.....because I'll be really tight on money like for the next 5 years or so, and everytime I go there I'm just so tempted to buy somthing.....=(

At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear alyssa..=)
AD work = creak head for idea to make an product stand out or hit the right traget group. =) is a job that need to combine marketing plan plus design plus out standing idea to make it work loh.. =)

today i cut all my credit card, couse i had to stop buy toys..couse i all tempted to buy somthingfrom there 2, now i card are gone..i can contro abit loh : P

way teik

At 5:57 PM, Blogger pOku said...

under www.blogger.com
your blog

click settings
then the tab click comments

there's a radio button

Show word verification for comments
select yes and save your blog .... all those stupid adverts won't come anymore

At 12:48 AM, Blogger Alyssa Chidori said...

W.T: Sounds like a tough job....but innovative and not monotonous!!! Well, good luck in making your every project work!!! =D

Wah, so serious cut credit card....O_o Then must be quite inconvenient when you wanna buy other stuffs.

Heh, lately I really never buy anything from XL liao, really cannot afford any of the stuffs. Have to save money for other things, like education, money for later life like buy house buy car, buy shop for business etc. Sobs. I hate growing up. T__T

At 12:50 AM, Blogger Alyssa Chidori said...

poku: Thanks a lot pal!!! =D appreciate your help!!!! Muakzzz.


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